Maps and Guides

The following is a selection of the most popular guides that are available.

For details of the guide most suited to the area you intend to cruise, the numbers shown against this list are indicated on the route planning pages for each area.

Once you have found the guide you require, you can purchase it from our online store - ABC Web Chandler.


Nicholson Guides  £16.99

These guides are ring-bound, A5 guide-books with detailed narrative information about the area surrounding the route taken by the canals and rivers. Information is given regarding the history of the area, pubs, restaurants, boatyards and local places of interest, including telephone numbers and opening hours where applicable. Each map section shown is a genuine Ordnance Survey extract with the waterway route and features highlighted. 

No. 1

Grand Union, Oxford & South East.
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No. 2

Severn, Avon & Birmingham.
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No. 3

Birmingham & the heart of England.
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No. 4

Four Counties & the Welsh Canals.
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No. 5

North West & the Pennines.
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No. 6

Nottingham, York & North East.
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No. 7

Thames & the South Waterways.
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Pearson Guides  £11.95

A5 guidebooks with a similar level of information to the Nicholson' guides. Each map page details the facilities immediately near to the canal or river, with a summary given of the number of miles and locks covered by that page, together with the approximate cruising time to be allowed. Popular with first-timers and experienced boaters alike. 


The Stourport Ring.
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Severn & Avon.
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Welsh Waters.
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Four Counties Ring and Cheshire Ring.
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South Midlands.
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Oxford & Grand Union.
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Kennet & Avon.
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Leeds & Liverpool.
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Imray Guides  £8.95 - 14.95

The Imray Guides cover routes from Falkirk and March Marina for the River Nene, River Great Ouse, Fenland Waterways and Scottish Waterways. 

Detailed crusiing maps with bridge numbers, locks, weirs and so on while also including details of the immediate surrounding area.

Also included are extensive write-ups featuring local mooring spots, pubs, hotels and other places of interest.


(Fold Out Map)
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River Nene
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Fenland Waterways
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River Great Ouse
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Lockmaster Maps  £4.99

The Lockmaster overview maps are a popular choice with all boaters as it gives you a complete outlook of the area you're in or the area you're wishing to cruise around.

The Lockmaster maps are a little larger than A3 and are delivered rolled up in a tube.

L5 - The Cheshire Ring
L8 - Chester/Llangollen
L10 - Four Counties Ring
L12 - Black Country Canals
L13 - Warwickshire Ring

L14 - East Midlands Canals
L15 - The Avon Ring
L16 - The Stourport Ring
L17 - From Avon To Thames
L18 - Grand Union South
L20 - Kennet & Avon Waters
L22 - London Waterways
L23 - Southern Counties Waterways
L24 - Mon & Brec Canal
L25 - Fenland Waters
L26 - River Great Ouse


Other Maps & Guides  £5.99 - £11.75

D1 / £7

The Droitwich Canals.
Not Available

NP / £7.99

Nicholson OS Map GB.
Not Available

H1 / £6.50

Kennet & Avon.
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H2 / £6.50

Heron Llangollen & Montgomery.
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Forth & Clyde.
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